Saturday, November 2, 2019

It Has Begun!

I'm even a bit proud of myself - not only did I do about two days' worth of writing yesterday (a lot of it at the Kickoff Write-In), but I exceeded the first hurdle today: 5000 words written!

It's a good feeling, too.

The thing with this year as opposed to ones prior? I am going to try and keep ahead of the daily word count. That way I (hope I) can concentrate more on the content than trying to add words just to reach the number I need to keep on track. 

I'm also trying out Dabble, a story writing software. More than just Word! I do like it so far. The best bit so far must be that it syncs to the cloud, so no matter where I am or what computer I am using, I can either log in to the website and work on the story, or I can use the app if I've downloaded it. 

So off to the story-writing zone we go!    


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prepping A Bit

I have been - prepping, I mean. I've been a pantster most of my life. For those of you not familiar with NaNo Speak, a pantster flies by the seat of his/her pants when writing NaNo. A planner does just that: plans out ideas, lists, outlines... anything to keep them from running pell-mell off a cliff when doing the mad word dash during the thirty days of November each year. 

I've got what I want to write, pretty much at least, in my mind. Of course, having it in my mind on October 30 does not necessarily mean it will still be in my mind come November 1. This I have learned the hard way. 

I also tend to overburden my writing in the quest for that daily word count. My story becomes buried beneath the stinking minutiae and overcooked descriptions. After awhile I don't even remember what I liked about the idea to begin with, because I can no longer really see the idea. 

Let's see if I can keep my sights true this year. 


Tuesday, October 29, 2019